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Basic Breakfast Quesadillas

  • Author: Kristin Dovbniak
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 2 quesadillas per recipe 1x



4 eggs, whisked
sea salt
butter or oil for cooking
avocado or coconut oil spray
1/2 cup shredded cheese of choice 
2 tortillas


1. Heat a drizzle of oil or butter to medium in a small pan. Add eggs and a pinch of salt and let cook until starting to firm, and flip. Cook through. 

2. Lay tortillas out flat. Divide egg mixture in half, add to half of quesadilla and top with cheese. Fold in half and grill on a heated grill pan, cast iron or nonstick skillet, using another skillet (or press) to firmly press until cheese is bubbly. Serve hot or let cool before wrapping in foil and freezing.


Broccoli Cheddar:
(Recommended cheese: sharp cheddar)

Steam or blanch 1/2 cup broccoli until soft. Chop into small pieces and place on top of egg before topping with cheese 

Spinach Feta:
(Recommended cheese: mozzarella)

Add 2 handfuls of spinach to pan prior to cooking eggs. Let wilt, add eggs and cook as directed. Sprinkle with feta before folding tortilla. 

Salsa and Ham:
Top eggs with 1 slice of ham. Spread a thin layer of your favorite salsa on top of eggs and ham and top with cheese.