Health at Every Size– what does it even mean? Can humans really be healthy at every size? Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating go hand in hand- accepting our bodies is a crucial part of embracing freedom with food- but there is a lot of confusion and misinformation around what Health at Every Size means, and what the movement represents- and how a Health at Every Size approach can help you live your healthiest life- beyond dieting- as well as help the world become a more accepting place. Today I’m joined by the incredible Christyna Johnson, MS, RDN, LD from the Enouraging Dietitian to talk about the real root of diet culture and fatphobia, what Health at Every Size means, why having thin privilege makes it hard for us to see the injustices happening around us and how we can begin to take action on acceptance of all bodies, all races, and humans as a whole. This is an important conversation you’ll want to pass along.
About Today’s guest:Christyna Johnson is a registered dietitian who specializes in eating disorders, disordered eating, and intuitive eating. She provides education on the intersections of food justice, food insecurity, food apartheid, and racial equity.