Ever notice that we live in a sex-crazed world? Yeah, just a little! Yet, so many people are starving for genuine intimacy and connection!
Today is a first for the podcast: we are chatting all things SEX! Yes, we ARE going there. Have any little ears nearby? Grab some headphones for this one.
Debbie Elzea, a love and sex coach, joins me today to lead a powerful conversation all about intimacy. She candidly shares her own story of an unhappy marriage and how her and her husband discovered the way to life changing intimacy.
Tune in to learn why men are not “big hairy women” and why it’s key to learn about and celebrate how the masculine nature works.
Today we talk about:
– why men are different than woman and what they really desire from us in and out of the bedroom
-why self care is so important in our relationships and how we connect with others