Are you looking to create more balance in your family’s meals, and eat more real whole foods? One of the easiest and simplest ways we can improve our family’s health, without taking anything away- is simply making food homemade instead of pre-packed or takeout options. Now don’t click away just yet- I know making food homemade can feel like one extra thing to add to our already-busy mom lives! And I know, many of us feel like we’ve been making food at home for nine-plus months, and we’re kind of over it. But hear me out: homemade food does NOT have to be hard. It’s about picking and choosing what foods you make at home- and what foods are easier to buy packaged! And that, mama friend, is up to you. I’m here to help you create more ease in living a healthy balanced life, so let’s take the intimidation away from cooking homemade food and bring homemade back into home-cooked meals!
Let’s talk about some of the benefits of making more homemade food:
1. Less trips to the grocery store. When you know how to make simple food at home, there’s less running to the store for that taco seasoning (ahem, scroll down!) or that frozen dinner.
2. Less money spent on eating out and pre-packaged foods. Let’s be honest- packaging costs money! And where, yes, some low-quality packaged food IS less expensive, it’s often not as satisfying, and certainly not as nutrient-dense. To buy the nutrient dense packaged foods means spending extra! One of the easiest ways to save money eating well is to make food at home.
3. Less waste! I firmly believe the more little things we can do to help our environment, the better! Even small steps add up.So let’s chat one of my favorite, cost-effective and delicious homemade food items– homemade spice blends!
This taco seasoning has been a part of my repertoire for YEARS- I’m talking since before my oldest daughter was born (in 2013) and it was a part of my first-ever program and cookbook (since retired) as well as a part of my alltime most-loved recipe, Tex Mex Sweet Potato Turkey Taco Pie.
We use this blend nearly every single week on tacos and even chicken fingers!
We love getting spices in bulk at Whole Foods or Thrive Market so we always have ingredients to make homemade spice blends.
Make your own homemade taco seasoning blend (I use about 2 tbsp per pound of meat or can of beans):